At St Olave’s, staff strive to instil a love of learning in every child, a foundation that will see them prosper in their next school and throughout life.

Our aim is to ensure that all children are able to access their school of choice after St Olave’s. The most common transition is via the Bexley 11+, in which pupils at St Olave’s have an excellent success rate. St Olave’s has strong relationships with many state, grammar and independent schools in the area, with staff experienced in supporting children for the many different entrance routes.  The school is particularly proud of the scholarships gained at a range of independent schools; both academic and in sport, music, art and drama.

A central strength of the School is the advice offered to all parents on the appropriate choice of secondary schools. Information evenings, as well as individual meetings with the Headteacher all help to make this important next step, the right one.

Parents of children in Year 4 are invited to meet with the Head of Upper School to discuss the choices available to their family.  There is then a follow up meeting with the Headteacher in Year 5 when we discuss next steps for each individual child.

For information on scholarships, future schools and 11+ results see our Secondary Transfer Results!

Secondary Transfer Results










Destination Schools
AlleynsNewstead Woods Grammar School for GirlsSt Thomas More
Babington House SchoolSt Olave's Grammar School for BoysSt Catherine's Catholic School
Bromley High SchoolDartford Grammar School for GirlsSt Paul's Academy
Blackheath High SchoolDartford Grammar School for BoysHurstmere School
Colfe's SchoolRochester Grammar SchoolCoopers
Eltham CollegeWilmington Grammar School for GirlsBishop Justus
Farringtons SchoolWilmington Grammar School for BoysEltham Hill
JAGSOakwood Grammar SchoolStationers Academy Crown Woods
Beths Grammar School for BoysThe Judd SchoolBullers Wood
Bexley Grammar SchoolTonbridge Wells Grammar SchoolChislehurst School for Girls
Chislehurst & Sidcup Grammar SchoolSt David's CollegeRavenswood School for Boys
Townley Grammar School for GirlsReigate Grammar SchoolSackville