Music plays a vibrant part in the life of St Olave’s.
The thriving music department is overseen by the Director of Music, aided by five peripatetic staff. All children have at least two music lessons per week and explore rhythm, composition and singing. In Year 1, children learn the ocarina as part of the music curriculum and in Year 2 they take up the recorder.
There are Christmas productions for the Foundation Stage and Lower School and a Carol Service for the Upper School. Musical productions are performed by Upper School in the summer term.
Extra tuition, arranged during the school day, is available in violin, guitar, piano and singing. A number of music groups also meet at lunchtimes, before school and after school. These include strings, choir, SOS (St Olave’s Singers) and recorder ensemble. Each group has the opportunity to perform regularly, especially in assemblies.
Among the highlights of the St Olave’s year are a formal Easter concert, our Spring concerts for instrumentalists and an Evening of Music in the summer term. The choir has also performed several times at the Royal Albert Hall, and our musicians have performed as part of the Bromley Music Festival.